Posts Tagged ‘interesting’

20 Websites From Before the Internet was Invented


Historians tell us there was a time before the internet and, while we of course don’t believe them, we thought it might be interesting to see what websites would look like in this strange, awful time before the internet. We asked you to Photoshop some of them, and the winning entry is below. But first, […]

Superheroes Painted in Picasso-Style


This is what it would look like if Picasso drew illustrations of superheroes. It looks really interesting, but I would never watch a movie or read a comic with a superhero that is all broken probably from the inside as well as the outside. Somehow the point of superhero is to be simple, pure and […]

Top 32 Interesting Photos of Animal Life


How interesting can animal life be  is something which we can only guess. By looking these amazing photographs it seems that they have very funny moments. Would you like to be monkey, or elephant, or maybe cat sometimes? Don’t worry if you do because this has happened all of us at least ones,  for now […]