A toilet is a plumbing fixture and disposal system primarily intended for the disposal of the bodily wastes. Check out some of the most creative toilets. Which toilet do you prefer if you need to pee…
A toilet is a plumbing fixture and disposal system primarily intended for the disposal of the bodily wastes. Check out some of the most creative toilets. Which toilet do you prefer if you need to pee…
Miniature meals are at the tips of your fingers thanks to these funky Japanese-inspired food rings. The rings may look edible, but they are made of plastic and glue. Each one is individually hand crafted by Sofia Molnar and can be customised to represent the favourite food of the customer or commemorate a special meal […]
Your vanity plate may have seemed like a great idea at the time. But after seeing these funny photos you may thing again before putting your customized license plate.
It’s time to appreciate these artists that have this original view of ordinary street signs. Their version is so much funnier.
Terry Border uses everyday items such as peanuts, Oreos and kiwis, Border utilizes wire hands and feet to make the inanimate objects come to life. What I love most about his work, though, is that it can be enjoyed by everyone. Young or old, we can all get a good chuckle out of his hilarious, […]
Sometimes Aquarius take themselves way too seriously, so every once in a while it does some good to inject a bit of humor, or at least something to distract us from the hustle and bustle of tank maintenance and aquarium related headaches. So, when we stumbled across this very funny and very creative series of […]