Posts Tagged ‘Photography’

Celebrity Portraits from Recycled Materials


It all starts with the usual photos. Then, Bernard Pras creates their portraits. Portraits of extraordinary people from unusual recycled materials. Toys, tools, pieces of rubber and a variety of other items that we use every day – these are the materials, which come to life through the portraits of this talented artist. These portraits […]

Inspirative Imagination In Pictures


Realistic pictures reflect imagination of designer, which is “squeezed” into real photos. Most of the photos presented below capture the attention and the spirit, whether they are beautiful or horrible, because this does not meet every day. And each spectator begins to think that my photography was going to say the words of the author. […]

When Classic Sculptures Meet Today’s World


French photographer Léo Caillard teamed up with French art director Alexis Persani to dress ancient Louvre’s sculptures into something more trendy and up-to-date. To create ‘Street Stone’, Caillard first photographed the statues and his friends in similar poses. Then Persani stacked the shots on top of each other in Photoshop, erasing everything but the clothes […]

Taking Pictures Without Any Safety Equipment


Be it climbing up as high as a 380-meter crane or a 22-storey building – two young Russians have got it all, and more, on their cameras and Alexander Remnov call themselves skywalkers, and take incredible, vertigo-inducing pictures of each other on top of the highest buildings in Moscow and some other cities in Russia. […]

10 Dark Pieces of Satire To Make You Stop and Think


Polish artist Paul Kuczynski will be as depressing as he needs to be to make sure you look at the world differently…

Double Exposures


This is true art. Watch one picture, and see the other? Or see the other, and see first? Exception. All sorts of things, like cities, trees, shown through the human figure.

Fun & Creative Toilets


A toilet is a plumbing fixture and disposal system primarily intended for the disposal of the bodily wastes. Check out some of the most creative toilets. Which toilet do you prefer if you need to pee…