Your vanity plate may have seemed like a great idea at the time. But after seeing these funny photos you may thing again before putting your customized license plate.
Your vanity plate may have seemed like a great idea at the time. But after seeing these funny photos you may thing again before putting your customized license plate.
It’s time to appreciate these artists that have this original view of ordinary street signs. Their version is so much funnier.
Apparently, people haven’t figured out that with the number of cameras in existence today, any time you get it on in public, someone’s lens is going to catch you. Here are the funniest images we’ve found where people were just trying to take a nice photo… and someone had to get in and totally ruin […]
All of us are witnesses that advertising industry is getting more inventive and creative in their campaigning each day. People from advertising industry tend to try to attract our attention in every way possible: sometimes their efforts are meant to disturb you or to stir emotion, other times they make all kinds of jokes and […]
Marketing experts say that one of the most important marketing tools is a good logo design. It not only provides an easy to recognize identity for your business but also communicates who you are. That’s why every company considering creating or buying a logo design should know the criteria that make for an effective logo. The […]