Japan is the land of the rising sun, but the country is very strange discovery, a variety of art, unique in the world.
Japan is the land of the rising sun, but the country is very strange discovery, a variety of art, unique in the world.
Photographer Christian Stoll has a knack for finding futurism in the modern world. From the cities of the world and the ships that traverse them, Stoll uses daring perspectives to capture today’s techno culture in motion. With a wide angle lens and the backing of major ad agencies, Stoll’s photographs become the bed upon which […]
The Republic of Cuba encompasses more than 4,000 islands and cays; the main island is the largest in the West Indies. Since its discovery five centuries ago by Christopher Columbus, strategic location and agricultural wealth have made Cuba a coveted prize. By the mid-1800s sugar plantations were satisfying a third of world demand. Here is […]