Artist Ekaterina Panikanova, was born in Saint Pietroburgo in 1975 and currently lives and works between Rome and San Pietroburgo. Panikanova’s work on books is an absolutely beautiful way of recycling materials to create beautiful work.
Artist Ekaterina Panikanova, was born in Saint Pietroburgo in 1975 and currently lives and works between Rome and San Pietroburgo. Panikanova’s work on books is an absolutely beautiful way of recycling materials to create beautiful work.
When the composition of fats and Photoshop, to create amazing and interesting pictures. Photoshop is a “contemporary artist”. With proper, beautiful, art gallery, and a bit of finishing, produced real art.
Supergirl is a female counterpart to the DC Comics Superman. As his cousin, she shares his super powers and vulnerability to Kryptonite. She was created by writer Otto Binder and designed by artist Al Plastino in 1959. She first appeared in the Action Comics comic book series and later branched out into animation, film, television, […]
From ages 6 to 95, men and women alike are fascinated with the story of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Whether you think that the world Lewis Carroll gave us was magical or downright surreal, the story of Alice is stuck with you. And whether you are an artist or a simple fan of art, this […]
Between 1951 and 1960, Dali created 101 watercolor drawings to interpret the Salvador Dali Divine Comedy, a poem by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). These works have been reproduced using a wood engraving technique. With this technique, wood engravers carved 3500 blocks for the prints that make up the book. 100 woodblocks were published as a French […]