Tattoos have always been a tradition method of self-expression.They are permanent, can not be removed. Some of those are amazing! And to choose the right and unique one for you is what matters the most.
Realistic pictures reflect imagination of designer, which is “squeezed” into real photos. Most of the photos presented below capture the attention and the spirit, whether they are beautiful or horrible, because this does not meet every day. And each spectator begins to think that my photography was going to say the words of the author. […]
Be it climbing up as high as a 380-meter crane or a 22-storey building – two young Russians have got it all, and more, on their cameras and Alexander Remnov call themselves skywalkers, and take incredible, vertigo-inducing pictures of each other on top of the highest buildings in Moscow and some other cities in Russia. […]
Polish artist Paul Kuczynski will be as depressing as he needs to be to make sure you look at the world differently…
Tattoos have always been a tradition method of self-expression.They are permanent, can not be removed. Some of those are amazing! And to choose the right and unique one for you is what matters the most.
Nagi Noda was a Japanese pop artist and director born in Tokyo. One of Noda’s many skills was creating sculptures or hair hats styled out of real human hair. The main inspiration for her unique and beautiful creations came from animals such as dogs, tigers, bears, cows, elephants, among many others…
A toilet is a plumbing fixture and disposal system primarily intended for the disposal of the bodily wastes. Check out some of the most creative toilets. Which toilet do you prefer if you need to pee…
Johnson Cheung-shing Tsang is a Hong Kong-based sculptor specializing in ceramics, stainless steel sculpture and public art work. Tsang’s work comments on the issues of “human beings” and “objects”. Since 1993, Tsang’s works have been exhibited internationally in galleries from Hong Kong to Switzerland.
Ramon is a talented freelance artist, who graduated at the Airbrush Academie in the Netherlands. He is mostly a self-taught artist. The challenge is making anamorphic illustrations is to not only make the drawings look 3D, but that the pictures of the illustrations look 3D as well.
Artist Ekaterina Panikanova, was born in Saint Pietroburgo in 1975 and currently lives and works between Rome and San Pietroburgo. Panikanova’s work on books is an absolutely beautiful way of recycling materials to create beautiful work.
I’ve always been captivated by the beauty of our world, and often dream of the things that lay just beyond what we can see. I wanted to create images of scenes that are not-quite real, but that almost could be.