Lowra had the job of designing, printing and position some animé characters in several different environments.
Lowra had the job of designing, printing and position some animé characters in several different environments.
A skilled player can impart spin to the ball, which makes its bounce and its reaction on the opponent’s bat difficult to predict or return with confidence… Judge for yourselves from these photos of funny table tennis faces
They sound a little squeaky. And their taste in music could only be described as cheesy. But this must still be one of the most endearing duos in the animal kingdom. Two pet rats have been trained by their owner to ‘play’ tiny instruments in their paws.
The face is the front part of the head, in humans from the forehead to chin including the hair, forehead, eyebrow, eyes, nose, cheek, mouth, lips, philtrum, teeth, skin, and chin. The face is used for facial expressions, appearance and identity amongst others. No two faces are alike in the exact same way, so there […]
Burger time! But not just any burger – try choosing from the Trojan Horse or Neil Armstrong burgers. Two graphic designers from France, Quentin and Thomas, started this random project one afternoon, after they decided to photograph one of their meals and put it online. “We were so bored of random food at lunch, so […]
Your vanity plate may have seemed like a great idea at the time. But after seeing these funny photos you may thing again before putting your customized license plate.
It’s time to appreciate these artists that have this original view of ordinary street signs. Their version is so much funnier.