Posts Tagged ‘Sculpture’

When Classic Sculptures Meet Today’s World


French photographer Léo Caillard teamed up with French art director Alexis Persani to dress ancient Louvre’s sculptures into something more trendy and up-to-date. To create ‘Street Stone’, Caillard first photographed the statues and his friends in similar poses. Then Persani stacked the shots on top of each other in Photoshop, erasing everything but the clothes […]

Top 10 Amazing Hair Sculptures


Nagi Noda was a Japanese pop artist and director born in Tokyo. One of Noda’s many skills was creating sculptures or hair hats styled out of real human hair. The main inspiration for her unique and beautiful creations came from animals such as dogs, tigers, bears, cows, elephants, among many others…

10 Amazing Horseshoe Sculptures


A horseshoe is a U-shaped item made of metal or of modern synthetic materials, nailed or glued to the hooves of horses and some other draught animals. Like a shoe on a human, it is used to protect the animal’s feet from wear and tear. Professional horseshoers, also called farriers or blacksmiths (more commonly used […]

Underwater Sculpture Park


Creator of the world’s first underwater sculpture park, Jason de Caires Taylor has gained international recognition for his unique work. His sculptures highlight ecological processes whilst exploring the intricate relationships between modern art and the environment. By using sculptures to create artificial reefs, the artist’s interventions promote hope and recovery, and underline our need to […]

Creative Newspaper Sculptures


Nick Georgiou creates Lynchian creatures out of the stitched folds of thousands of discarded newspapers. His latest creation is this prowling beast, a golem created from the dirty print of discarded tabloids. There’s something unsettling about the bulging cylinders of its eyes combined with the piscine gasp of its mouth, that gives it the quality […]

Anime Characters Interacting With the Environment


Lowra had the job of designing, printing and position some animé characters in several different environments.

Cork Head Art


Cork’s elasticity combined with its near-impermeability makes it suitable as a material for bottle stoppers, especially for wine bottles. Cork stoppers represent about 60% of all cork based production. Cork’s low density makes it a suitable material for fishing floats and buoys, as well as handles for fishing rods…